Frequently Asked Questions
1. Am I able to change tagline by myself?
No. You need to send me your new tagline when you want to change it.
Tagline will be change wihtin few minutes to few hours. The url contains in tagline is unchangeable.
2. Am I able to change the tagging list? How?
Yes, you are able to change the tagging list.
You only need to copy and paste in the blogshop url or cbox quick link to a txt document, and load in that document in Tagging Monkey. (Click " Open List")
3. How do I setup the program?
You need winrar (Click to download) to unzip the file that we sent via Email.
You may need freamwork (CLick to download) to support Tagging Monkey.
Most computer will auto-update the freamwork. You no need to download this until you cannot run the Tagging Monkey.
4. Does the program able to tag on shoutmix?
Yes. And your tagline will auto change to: "Pls Visit us, Link"
5. Does the [auto tagged] removable?
Yes. You may Email me to remove that.
The reason we add [auto tagged ] is to protect our customer.
When our customer tag on the wrong board, the blogshop owner will Email us instead of our customer who tag on the wrong board.